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The mandate of the Criminal Justice Statistics Center (CJSC) is to collect and report statistical data that allow for valid assessments of crime and the criminal justice process in California.
The CJSC is a Statistical Analysis Center (SAC). SACs are units or agencies at the state government level that collect and use data received from various components of the criminal justice system. SACs reside in approximately 52 states and territories, varying in their placement within state government structure. Some reside within a criminal justice or general state planning or coordinating agency; some are part of a governor’s advisory staff; and some are located in a line agency such as the state police, attorney general’s office, or department of corrections. The California SAC (the CJSC) resides within the attorney general’s office. To achieve their mandate, the CJSC maintains several statewide data systems containing specific criminal justice data. Published on-line annually, these data are available through the Attorney General's OpenJustice website.