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The mission of the California Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division is to provide accurate, timely, and comprehensive criminal history and analysis data to its client agencies, which include California’s local police and sheriff’s departments, district attorneys, and local and state regulatory agencies. In addition, the division supports the critical Department of Justice (DOJ) information technology infrastructure. The CJIS Division is also the bridge for these services to the federal and other states’ criminal justice agencies. The Division includes eight sections:
Application Development Bureau is responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining the DOJ's statewide criminal justice information systems, supporting the Division of Law Enforcement's applications, providing analytical reporting and information services.
Justice Data & Investigative Services Bureau is composed of three branches that offer investigative and field service functions to criminal justice and public safety partners, regulatory agencies, and the people of California. Information and technical assistance are provided on a variety of manual and automated systems.
Criminal Information and Analysis Bureau is composed of three branches which are: Record Management, Records and Biometric Identification, and the Applicant and Record Quality Services Branch. Together they function to maintain and update California’s Criminal Offender Record Information repository, maintain and update the Child Abuse Central Index, process state and federal level applicant background checks, issue department certifications, and provide oversight of the state’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System.
Enterprise Services Bureau (ESB) is responsible for the DOJ Information Technology (IT) purchase review, IT contracts/purchasing, IT project oversight, project coordination, along with providing, and maintaining IT systems and services to the DOJ statewide. The ESB also provides enterprise support for the DOJ’s computing, applications, and shared services environments, and also partners with DOJ programs, and law enforcement agency partners to ensure technical solutions meet state, and federal information security requirements.
CJIS Executive Office coordinates all administrative functions for the CJIS Division, ensures division compliance with policies and procedures, and provides quality leadership, support, and information services through two programs.
Technology Services Bureau (TSB) is responsible for all necessary infrastructure and software used to support the DOJ’s business domain, and operates in a 24-hour, seven-day a week environment to ensure all systems are available to the DOJ law enforcement community and to DOJ personnel. TSB also designs, coordinates, installs, and provides 24-hour support for communication applications, server infrastructure, and networks used by the DOJ, state criminal justice agencies, and national criminal justice systems.