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Gun violence remains a growing threat to public safety throughout the nation. On average, there are over 120 gun deaths each day and nearly 45,000 each year in the U.S.
Guns are the leading cause of death among children and adolescents; with U.S. children being more likely to die from gun violence than in any other comparable country. Gun violence is not only a public safety crisis, but a public health crisis. This crisis is unacceptable. Especially when there are strategies that work to prevent it.
On September 20, 2022 Attorney General Bonta established the Office of Gun Violence Prevention to advance California’s efforts to adopt a more holistic approach to reducing gun violence — and invites stakeholders from throughout California to assist in these efforts.
The mission of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention (OGVP) is to reduce and prevent gun violence, firearm injury, and related trauma. OGVP will support DOJ’s ongoing gun violence reduction efforts led by the Bureau of Firearms and several litigation teams — including seizure of firearms from dangerous individuals using the Armed and Prohibited Persons System, prosecution of firearms trafficking cases, and defense of California’s commonsense gun laws.
OGVP will examine a broad range of factors — from firearm availability to effective resources for crisis prevention — to reduce the harm caused by firearms and make Californians healthier and safer. OGVP aims to reduce gun violence by: