Data Broker Registration for Sterling Data Company LLC

Data Broker Name: 
Sterling Data Company LLC
Email Address (Accessible to the public): 
info [at]
Physical Address: 
3407 Tulane Dr, Apt #12
Adelphi, MD 20783
United States
How a consumer may opt out of sale or submit requests under the CCPA: 
We provide a form on our website, found after our website's privacy policy, (the form and the policy are both directly accessible via hyperlink on a conspicuous banner located at the bottom of each page of the website), which allows anyone to request an opt-out of whatever they request to be opt-ed out of. California residents (as defined in relation to the CCPA) are informed of their CCPA-given rights for opting-out and conducting other actions/exercising rights in relation to their personal information under the CCPA. This is in the final part of our privacy policy, which is just prior to the form, both of which are on the same page. Additionally just prior to the form we also provide an email address for anyone to ask questions or otherwise contact us. In all requests, we would first verify the identity of the requesting person, and may verify their state/jurisdiction as well, before carrying out the request. Consumers are notified of this prior to filling out the form. At present, we DO NOT sell any personal information (as defined under the CCPA) that we may collect through or during a consumer's access or use of our website.
How a protected individual can demand deletion of information posted online under Gov. Code sections 6208.1(b) or 6254.21(c)(1): 
We do not currently publicly post/display information that would qualify under either Section 6208.1(b) or Section 6254.21(c)(1). However, if a protected individual under either Section wished to make a request that any such information be removed/deleted, they may do so using the same form as referred to above (the form which is found after our privacy policy, hyper-link accessed by a conspicuous banner at the bottom of each webpage).
Date Approved: 