Data Broker Registration for DonorBase, LLC

Data Broker Name: 
DonorBase, LLC
Email Address (Accessible to the public): 
doba_privacy [at]
Physical Address: 
1 Byram Brook Place
Armonk, NY 10504
United States
How a consumer may opt out of sale or submit requests under the CCPA: 
You may contact us directly at in order to have your name removed from our database. When you do this, please provide your current address, your email address, and any prior home or email addresses you would like “opted out” of our marketing databases. You can also contact us by mail at DonorBase Privacy; 1 Byram Brook Place; Armonk, NY 10504; or via phone at: 833-660-0199.
How a protected individual can demand deletion of information posted online under Gov. Code sections 6208.1(b) or 6254.21(c)(1): 
We do not display or permit the display of such information, or operate a website that involves user generated content.
Additional information about data collecting practices: 
Date Approved: 