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The authorizing statutes for these regulations have been repealed. More information can be found on the Bureau of Firearms page.
Beginning July 1, 2022, the sale or transfer of a firearm precursor part must be conducted through a licensed firearm precursor part vendor, with specified exemptions. A firearm precursor part vendor must verify with the Department that a potential purchaser or transferee is authorized to possess firearm precursor parts. If the person is not approved as an authorized firearm precursor part purchaser or transferee, the vendor must deny the sale or transfer. The Department must approve the purchase or transfer of firearm precursor parts through a vendor electronically, except as otherwise specified.
The proposed regulations will explain the process for purchasing or transferring firearm precursor parts; what to do if an attempted purchase or transfer is denied; and what is needed to establish that a purchaser or transferee is exempt from Department approval. The proposed regulations also revise existing regulations regarding the identification documents necessary to conduct an eligibility check, and use of the DROS Entry System (DES), so that both include firearm precursor parts alongside their existing application to firearms and ammunition.
Sections Affected
California Code of Regulations, Title 11, Division 5, Chapters 4, 8 and 11
Sections: 4045.1, 4210, 4300, 4301, 4320, 4321, 4322, 4323, 4324, 4325, 4326 and 4327
Status of the Proposal
This rulemaking is complete.
On June 30, 2022 the Office of Administrative Law approved the Department of Justice’s regulations regarding firearm precursor part purchases or transfers and filed them with the Secretary of State.
45-Day Comment Period Documentation
Final Rulemaking Documents