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Existing law allows a person who is temporarily prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm, ammunition feeding device, or ammunition to transfer any of those items to a licensed firearms dealer, or if ammunition, to a licensed ammunition vendor, for storage during the duration of their prohibition. Existing law also requires each firearms dealer storing a firearm, ammunition feeding device, or ammunition, and each ammunition vendor storing ammunition, for a temporarily prohibited person to notify the Department of the date that they took possession of the item. (Pen. Code, § 29830).
The proposed regulations will allow firearms dealers and ammunition vendors to comply with the notification requirements of Penal Code section 29830 in a manner that provides meaningful data to the Department, such as information regarding the temporarily prohibited person, the item(s) being relinquished, and the dealer or vendor storing the item(s). Reporting the information via the Dealer’s Record of Sale (DROS) Entry System (DES) ensures compliance with Penal Code section 11106, subdivision (a)(1)(C), which requires the Attorney General to maintain a record of all information reported pursuant to Penal Code section 29830.
The reported information will assist law enforcement in the investigation of crime and the recovery of lost, stolen and found property. (Pen. Code, § 11106.) Furthermore, the information can be used to verify that the prohibited person is in fact only temporarily prohibited, and therefore eligible to transfer their items under the provisions of Penal Code section 29830.
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Notice Register Publication Date: January 10, 2025
Status of the Proposal: This rulemaking is undergoing a 45-day public comment period. Any person or their authorized representative may submit written comments regarding the proposed regulatory action. The written comment period closes at 5:00 pm on February 25, 2025. All timely comments that specifically pertain to the proposed regulations will be reviewed and responded to by Department staff. Comments may be submitted by mail or email to:
The information below relates to recent rulemaking activity, including links to the regulations text and associated documents. Any person who has submitted a comment regarding a proposed action has the right to request a copy of the Final Statement of Reasons. The Final Statement will also be posted to this webpage upon completion of this rulemaking.
Public Notice and Related Documents