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Preventing gun violence is a community effort. Below is a list of available grant opportunities for local governments and agencies seeking to advance gun violence prevention strategies and programs.
Note: Funding opportunities below may be contingent upon the federal appropriations process. For more details, please visit
Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI): Largest federal grant program supporting community-based organizations (CBOs) and state or local governments implementing new or expanded initiatives designed to interrupt cycles of violence.
Applications due by May 29, 2024 (additional application materials required by June 10, 2024).
CVIPI Training and Technical Assistance Program: Grants for organizations that provide support on planning and implementation of CVI strategies for CVIPI grantees and CVI field.
Applications likely due May/June 2024.
Enhancing School Capacity to Address Youth Violence Program: Grants for targeted violence prevention and intervention efforts in K-12 school-based settings, utilizing collaborative approaches between schools and CBOs.
Applications likely due May/June 2024.
Strategies to Support Children Exposed to Violence Program: Grants to develop or enhance services for children exposed to violence, and to help family-serving organizations identify and help families at risk for exposure to violence.
Applications likely due May/June 2024.
STOP School Violence Program: Grants to reduce violence in and around school communities, including by employing school-based violence interrupters and similar professionals in school settings.
Applications likely due May/June 2024.
School Violence Prevention Program: Grants for schools, CBOs, local governments, and other public agencies to fund equipment, technology, and training to address school violence, with an emphasis on supporting services for students most likely to engage in or be victimized by gun violence.
Applications likely due June/July 2024.
National Mentoring Programs Grant: Supports national mentoring organizations (with active affiliates or subgrantees in at least 45 states) to enhance or expand mentoring services for youth at risk for victimization and juvenile justice system involvement.
Applications due April 29, 2024 (additional materials required by May 13, 2024)
Project Prevent Program: Grant for school districts impacted by community violence to implement community- and school-based strategies to prevent violence and address the impacts of students’ exposure to community violence, in collaboration with CBOs.
Applications likely due in October 2024.
Growth Opportunities Program: Grant for programs that address community violence and prepare justice-involved youth and young adults for employment through paid work experiences, education and training, and violence prevention-related mentorship, conflict resolution, and other CVI services.
Recent grant cycle closed April 2, 2024. A second round of applications due by October 15, 2024.
Addressing Basic Needs of Crime Survivors in Underserved Communities Program: Grant for CBOs that provide culturally specific services to crime survivors in underserved communities to address basic needs related to well-being, healing, and safety.
Timeline TBD
Transitioning Gang-Involved Youth to Higher Education Program: Grant supporting partnerships between community colleges and CBOs, industry partners, or entities with record of providing services to support gang-involved youth in acquiring skills and abilities to pursue educational and workforce credentialing opportunities after high school.
Timeline TBD.
Transitioning Gang-Involved Youth to Higher Education Program: Federal program providing annual funding directly to state and eligible local governments for public safety purposes. US DOJ has encouraged recipients to utilize these funds to build partnerships with CBOs to support CVI programs in impacted communities.
Note: Funding opportunities below may be contingent upon the state’s appropriations process. For more details, please visit
California Violence Intervention and Prevention Program (CalVIP): (“Break the Cycle of Violence Act” Grants): Largest California grant program supporting CBOs and local or tribal governments applying with CBO partners implementing new or expanded initiatives designed to interrupt cycles of violence.
Timeline TBD. California law (AB 28) will provide permanent annual funding for CalVIP grants starting in 2025 but 2024 funding is contingent on additional Budget Act appropriations.
CVIPI Training and Technical Assistance Program: California state funds to build and sustain the CVI workforce through grants or service contracts to train and certify CVI professionals, provide mental health care for frontline CVI workers, and provide regional convening and technical assistance capacity.
Timeline TBD, applications likely due late 2024.
Flexible Assistance for Survivors Pilot Grant Program: California grant for CBOs that provide direct services to survivors of violence to provide flexible cash assistance to support those survivors and their family members in recovery.
Timeline TBD, applications likely due in 2025.
Innovative Response to Marginalized Victims of Crime Program: California grant for programs that utilize innovative methods to provide direct support services to crime survivors from underserved populations, including survivors of gang or community violence.
Applications likely due July 2024 but available only to extend grants for current grantees
California’s Medi-Cal Violence Prevention (Community Health Worker) Services Program: New California program creates a challenging but ongoing opportunity for CBOs, hospitals, and certain other organizations and individuals to contract with local Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans to receive reimbursement for providing certain violence prevention counseling services to Medi-Cal-insured individuals who have been survivors of community violence, chronically exposed to community violence, or who are identified by providers as being at high risk for violent injury from community violence. Reimbursable services must be recommended by a licensed clinician and provided by violence prevention professionals trained and certified by an approved training program (currently available through either the Health Alliance for Violence Intervention or the Urban Peace Institute).
Currently available and ongoing for eligible programs that successfully contract with their county’s Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan.