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On September 30, 2020, Assembly Bill (AB) 1506 was signed into law, which required the California Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate all incidents of an officer involved shooting (OIS) resulting in the death of an unarmed civilian. This mandate went into effect on July 1, 2021. The Division of Law Enforcement’s (DLE) California Police Shooting Investigation Team (CaPSIT), working collaboratively with the respective local law enforcement agency, will be responsible for the criminal AB 1506 investigation from the inception to the conclusion. The investigation will include the totality of the circumstances and analysis per California Penal Code § 835a, along with legal review by the California Attorney General’s Office.
All AB 1506 investigations shall be conducted as fact-based investigations built on the foundations of objectivity and transparency. The CaPSIT will utilize to the fullest capacity those leading investigative techniques and technological resources to ensure the highest OIS investigative industry standards. Such investigations can often last unabated for several days or longer depending on the circumstances involved in each unique situation. The goal of the CaPSIT program is to produce the most comprehensive, thorough, accurate and timely investigation possible which can be confidently relied upon by all Californians.