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If you currently roll or will roll applicant fingerprint impressions for licensure, employment or certification purposes, you are required to submit to a State and Federal level background check to become Department of Justice (DOJ) Certified.
No. The only individuals who are exempt from this law are law enforcement personnel, state employees, and employees of tribal gaming agencies.
Yes. Any individual to be certified, is required to pay the processing fees.
The total fee required by the Department of Justice for certification is $74. This fee does not include the rolling fee charged by the law enforcement Live Scan site.
No. The only individuals who are exempt from this law are law enforcement personnel, state employees and employees of tribal gaming agencies.
Yes. As a certified fingerprint roller, you can roll applicant fingerprint impressions for licensure, employment, and certification purposes.
Yes. If you are rolling fingerprints outside the scope of your official law enforcement duties, you are required to go through the certification process. State employees are also required to be certified if they are rolling fingerprints outside the scope of their official job responsibilities.
Yes. If your employing agency has a billing account established with the DOJ and the agency elects to pay for your Certification fees, the $74 fee may be charged to the agency’s billing code number. Indicate your agency’s billing code number on the Request for Live Scan Service (BCII 8016) form under "Misc No."Bill-.