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Authorized private companies and designated government agencies in California may submit requests for criminal offender record information reviews directly to the Department of Justice using the statewide electronic applicant communication network maintained by the Attorney General.
These private service providers (PSP) or Live Scan Operators submit these electronic requests on behalf of applicant agencies that are reviewing the suitability of individuals for employment, licensing, certification, foreign adoptions or entry into the United States or another country.
To help ensure the privacy rights of applicants, the proper handling of confidential applicant information and the security of the electronic communication network, private service providers or Live Scan Operators in the state are required by the Department of Justice to pass a criminal record background check and obtain a fingerprint rolling certificate.
If you are interested in becoming a Private Service Provider or Live Scan Operator, please e-mail your request to:
It is important to note the owner/contact person and all fingerprint rollers must be certified to roll fingerprints prior to approval of your application. To obtain certification, contact:
Finally, the process will take 90 to 120 days from the receipt of a complete and accurate application. This time frame does not include obtaining your fingerprint roller certificate.